One Last Magical Adventure - from MIL Pet Photography, the Windsor Ascot UK based dog photographer

Dogs Can Grieve too: Missing a Companion Buddy Dog

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Dogs can grieve for their buddy too. Here are some potentially useful tips that may help you and your dog.

Of course, every dog has their own character and personality. No two dogs are the same, and even though they may have been very close buddies, they are still different. The following list is simply a series of tips that may help your dog deal with their own grief .

1. Try to keep to a similar routine for you dog

2. Whilst it is very difficult, try to avoid being emotional in front of the dog

3. Provide as much comfort as you can. An extra cuddle is good for both of you

4. Regularly reward and help reinforce good behaviour

5. Take cues from your dog. If they want to play with the other dog's toy or sleep on their bed, do let this happen

6. If possible, create a new activity or regular different location to help them explore and discover something new

7. Grief takes time for another dog and so be ready to go slowly through this with them

As for adults, some of the signs of grief are the same: loss of interest, loss of appetite and sleeplessness. In addition, they may start barking more, and even messing instead of getting outside in time.

As we know, dogs live in the moment. They may grieve and know they are missing, but generally they are better managing grief than we are. If the signs of grief or changes in behaviour become an issue, it's best to discuss this with your vet. It's also a good idea to consider contacting a dog behaviourist and or an animal communication specialist. I'm glad to say there are a number of excellent ones in my network, so just pop a note in the comments and I'm sure one of them can help provide advice or get in touch.

Through One Last Network, I certified as a Pet Loss Grief Specialist together with a group of other professional dog photographers across the world. We have all undergone specialist training and education to better understand the various stages of grief and pet loss. With the sensitivity, compassion and patience expected from a certified Pet Loss Grief Specialist, I deliver photography that honours your dog, and can also help connect you with a network of additional professionals to help you on your personal grief journey.

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